
The #1 Journaling Prompt That Helps Change Your Life

Sharing my #1 Journaling prompt that actually helped change my life! It starts my day off with focus and increases my productivity!

October 17, 2019

Journaling is a whole new world to me. For so long I refused to get into the habit because the idea of adding one more thing to my to-do list seemed impossible. As a solo entrepreneur, it tends to get overwhelming when you try to incorporate habits or new tasks on top of your work load. Not to mention there are so many ways to journal. The internet is full of journaling prompt after prompt. Notebooks and lists… it’s a lot. At some point while searching to add more balance into my life, I decided to give journaling a try. I have read and heard that this one habit can really set you up for success and give you better perspective on your life — well call me a believer, because I actually found the #1 journaling prompt that actually works and helps me succeed!

Why Journaling Can Help You Succeed

Journaling is such a powerful tool that is totally worth the time. It helps you jot down your dreams and goals. It helps you sort through emotions and is such a mindful tool. In fact, the act of taking a business idea, or a creative one and fleshing it out on paper not only makes it feel real, but it allows you to dream bigger and really expand upon that spark of imagination.

So I dove deep into the Internet in search for the best journaling prompt that could not only help me start my day off right, but actually aid in accomplishing some of my goals, you know give me a little productivity and motivation boost! That’s when I stumbled upon the Start Today Journal. Ironically, I had never heard of Rachel Hollis before this. I know she’s got a couple of books out now but this journal was the first time I ever heard of her. She was able to create a simple way to set intentions, write out goals and actually follow through with just 3 simple journaling prompts that I will be sharing with you. This is the exact practice I do every single morning.

Easy But Powerful Journaling Prompts

This journaling prompt is a 3 step process as it acts as a system and a daily tool to help you keep all of your beautiful dreams and business (or personal) goals top of your mind and totally focused. The way it works is, every morning, before you start working and you are settling into your work space, coffee in hand… take a piece of paper (or get the journal here), breathe and get intentional while filling out these 3 questions:

01. List out 5 things you are grateful for today

Starting your day being grateful puts you in a good mood! It really makes you appreciate all the blessings that exist in your life right now. It helps set your mindset into positive right from the get go.

02. Write Out 10 Dreams

Write the 10 dreams that you want to accomplish. The key is to write them in the present tense — imagine they have already happened and you are living them right now. So instead of jotting down “I want to make a six-figure salary”, instead write — “I make a six-figure salary”. #WhatsWrongWithBeingConfident

03. What Goal Are You Achieving First?

Finally think of the one thing you can do today that will move you closer towards those ten dreams. That one main goal that could set you off on the path of your dream life.

Why It Can Change Your Life

Ever since incorporating this practice, my productivity has doubled. But the best part? I feel motivated in the morning. By writing down all my hopes and dreams I start the day off by being very intentional about what I’m doing because I’m super aware of the end goal. And hey, I’m no Rachel Hollis affiliate and I get nothing from sharing this awesome tool. It just really changed my life!

If you write your dreams every day, you are communicating those goals with the Universe and helping it manifest into your life that much quicker because you are laser focused. You are being intentional in the morning and honestly that’s the best way to start your day.

You can create your own journal or get the one I use here. Do you journal? Which journaling prompts do you use?

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